Letters to my BEST FRIEND: Models to copy and print

All of us, men or women, have a special person in life, the one who, despite all the difficulties, will always be there because is our PERSON who is much more than just a person in the world. He is so much more than any other friend you have contact with or someone who comes along only when it suits him. The name for this is best friend, that's why our article today is dedicated to letters for my best friend, where you will find different models that will help you give some beautiful words to your best friend.

A best friend is something very similar to a sister, you may not have met no one else like her in your whole life, is special and perfect for you. Usually, we do not give it the recognition it deserves and that is why some letters to my best friend is ideal, even when there is no special or celebratory moment, it is important that we recognize its value to us.

Letters to my BEST FRIEND

sample letters to my best friend

The models of letters best friends that we will show you below are examples of what you can write to your best friend. Please note that the letter must be original and adapted to your relationship and to the moments that you have lived together, because that way she can know that you really appreciate her friendship.

sample letter 1

Dear best friend,

Today I want to congratulate you, because for some time now you have earned the position of being my person, you are that being with whom I share a much greater and much more special bond than with anyone, this bond will last forever.

The best thing about our relationship is that we didn't look for each other, we didn't see each other coming, but every time I look back, even though I don't remember exactly when you became my person, you did, plus you're my soul mate and that's a bond that I never It will break, that's why every time I look at the future I look at you.

I will not get tired of thanking you for all the moments that thanks to you have become perfect moments and I want to emphasize it in this letter. Thank you for always being by my side, no matter the situation, I've had bad times and you've always been there. When I wasn't looking for a conversation or advice, you have been giving me your hand giving me the strength I needed.

I thank you so much for still being my best friend, even when after you really got to know me, even the weirdest part of me you wanted me to stay by your side and shared your weird side with me. Thank you for never leaving me alone, for not abandoning me when everyone else has. I thank you infinitely for not judging me at any time and for telling me what I need to hear, even when I don't want to hear it.

It is you who gives this friendship away, thank you for being my friend, my soul mate, my sister and for always being my person.

Let me put my thanks aside for a minute so I can talk about what we've been through throughout our friendship: I've discovered that doing things without you is complete rubbish, for lack of better words. No matter what it is, by your side everything is crazy and I can be myself, with other friends I wouldn't even dare to do it. You are definitely the funniest person, the girl I can be a complete bitch with, my partner in crime.

I am absolutely sure that when we are 80 years old, we will sit in our rocking chairs and reminisce about all our anecdotes, laughing at all the stupid things we have done.

When I think of our friendship, no words can describe the unique relationship we have, that's why it's so genuine, and no "thank you" could describe how grateful I feel to have a best friend like you. You're my best friend. Thank you a million times over for being my favorite person.

I love you forever.

sample letter 2

Dear best friend,

You are and always will be one of the best things that has happened to me in life, you are all that I have never been able to share with anyone, the one who accepts me, understands me and hugs me when I need it, but above all that, you You are my partner in good times and look that we have had many. But you are also my companion in bad times, where you have been my tear handkerchief, my psychologist, my teacher and my guide to come to light. You are and always will be one of the best things that has happened to me in this life, I never want to lose you and I hope you know how to appreciate this short note, but full of love.

I love you.

sample farewell letter to my best friend

I am writing this letter to you with a heavy heart. I never thought that the day would come when I would have to say goodbye to you, but sadly, that day has come.

You've been the best friend I could have asked for. You've always been there for me, no matter what. You have been my shoulder to cry on, my sounding board and my confidant.

There are so many memories that we have shared together that I will keep forever. From our first sleepover to our last girls' night, I'll never forget a single moment we shared.

You have been a very important part of my life, and I am very grateful for that. I know that you will continue to be a force for good in this world, and I know that I will always look up to you.

I want you to know that I will always love you and that I will never forget the wonderful moments we have shared together.

With all my love,

Your best friend

Letter to a friend who is no longer here

If you are reading this, it means that I am no longer with you. I want you to know that you were always the best friend I could have asked for. I never told you, but you were always there for me when I needed you, and I know I could always count on you.

I want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me, and I want you to know that I love you. I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I've always valued your opinion and always appreciated your friendship.

I know you are strong and I know you can get through this. I want you to know that I will always be there for you, even if I am not physically with you. I know that we will always be connected, and I know that I will always love you.

I want you to know that you are the best friend I have ever had, and I want you to know that I will never forget you. I know that one day we will meet again, and I know that I will be waiting for you.

I love you best friend.

Letter to my one and only friend

I write this letter with a heavy heart. To my best friend,

Not even know where to start. I'm so lost without you. You were my rock, my protector. I can not imagine my life without you.

You were always there for me, no matter what. I could always count on you to make me laugh, even when I didn't want to. You were my confidant, my sounding board. I could tell you anything and you would never judge me.

You were the best friend I could have asked for. I am very lucky to have had you in my life.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this without you. But I know I have to. I know you would want me to be strong.

So I'll try. I will try to be the person you always saw in me. I'll try to make you proud.

I love you, my friend. Never forget you.

Forever in my heart,

your friend

Letter to my best friend on her birthday

Happy birthday to my best friend! Not even know where to start. We've been through a lot together and I can't imagine my life without you. You've been by my side through thick and thin, and I know I can always count on you.

I don't know what I would do without you, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. You are my best friend and I love you very much. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'm looking forward to celebrating with you.

I hope you have as amazing a birthday as you, my friend. I know that you only deserve the best, and I am very happy to be able to share your special day with you. I am honored to be your friend, and I hope we have many more years of friendship ahead of us.

Happy birthday, my beautiful friend. I hope you have a day as special as it is for me. I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Enjoy your day, and I'm looking forward to celebrating with you.

Letter to a friend to announce a wedding

It's been a while since I wrote a letter to my best friend. I'm not sure you're still my best friend after all these years, but I hope you are. I am getting married soon, and I wanted to write you a letter to let you know how much I have thought of you over the years. We have been through a lot together, and I know there has been a lot of pain and heartbreak. But through it all, you've always been there for me. I know you've been there when I've needed you, and I hope you know that I'll always be there for you too. I don't know what I would have done without you during these years.

I know you're not the best at keeping in touch, but I hope you'll at least come to my wedding. I'm getting married to the love of my life, and I want you to be there to celebrate with me. I know it's a short time, but I really hope you can come.

I'll be thinking of you, and I hope you'll think of me too. I hope you are doing well and that you are happy. I miss you and can't wait to see you again.


Your friend

Letter to a friend for her marriage

Hi friend,

I am so excited for your big day! I know you've been planning and preparing for months, and it's finally here. I can't believe you're getting married!

Seems like yesterday we were sitting in your room, talking about your wedding day. You were so excited and I was so happy for you. I remember how you talked about how you wanted everything to be perfect. And I know it will be, because you are perfect for each other.

I am so grateful to be a part of your special day. I know it will be an unforgettable experience. I am so happy for you and I know you are going to have a beautiful life together.

I love you Jessie. Congratulations on your marriage.

Si quieres conocer otros artículos parecidos a "Letters to my BEST FRIEND: Models to copy and print" puedes visitar la categoría de cartas Friendship.

  1. sample letters to my best friend
    1. sample letter 1
    2. sample letter 2
    3. sample farewell letter to my best friend
    4. Letter to a friend who is no longer here
    5. Letter to my one and only friend
    6. Letter to my best friend on her birthday
    7. Letter to a friend to announce a wedding
    8. Letter to a friend for her marriage

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