Informal Letter Example

The informal letters or also calls letters from friends it is the means by which a person can communicate without having to exercise the rules of education and systems writing in a letter an informal letter is the one you send to a person you know well in which you do not have to exercise said protocol an example of an informal letter is the sending of a letter to a relative or a close friend.

In this article we will show you the correct way to send an informal letter so that this letter to a person that is informal has legibility and an adequate structure, always putting respect and professionalism before it.

informal letter format

Informal Letter Example

Date: ______________

Hello! dear: _____________ I am glad that you are well and I hope that all your business is going wonderfully, I wrote you this letter with the idea of ​​congratulating you on the birth of your new son, who by the way is very similar to his mother! I think it turned out more similar to her! I hope that the child enjoys excellent health, as does your wife and of course you too.

Brother, I want to invite you to go to a party that I will be organizing at my house on the day: __________, where all the friends we have met at work and at school will be, your wife and son are welcome, it is a very familiar gathering and It will be a nice environment, I would really like you and your family to be present on that day.

Please let me know if it is possible for you to attend the party, and don't worry about the child, my nanny can take care of him while you and your wife share with the other guests.

A very affectionate greeting

Atte.: José (the skinny) rooms

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