Letters for FAMILY MEMBERS: Examples and models to write

When it comes to family, it is very important that always feel grateful and that we show them that we are happy to have them in our lives, that their love is very important to us, be it a birthday letter for brother or thanks to everyone in general.

For this reason, we have created some examples to help you write your letters to relatives, where we will show you a general letter for your family and a separate one for your father that you can easily adapt to any other member of your family. Keep in mind that to write a letter that looks good, you must dedicate some time to it, seek the inspiration and calm you need to achieve it, many times we believe that we can write letters for relatives anywhere and this is not entirely true.

Letters for FAMILY

sample letters for relatives

Remember that the models that we will show you below are fictitious examples of a letter to a relative, it is important that you do yours, that is very personal and appropriate to the person you are going to dedicate it to, even if it is to write a letter to my son.

sample letter 1

Dear family,

You may be surprised by these words that I write, but I assure you that they are written from the bottom of my heart. Since I was a child, it has been you who have been by my side supporting me, encouraging me and converting me.

I am very grateful for accompanying me in my bad moments, when my strength was you and you did not let me falter and also when I did not know how to respond to all the love you have given me. Now I am aware every day of all the love and education that I have received over the years and I am sure that it would be nothing if it were not for all of you.

For this reason, today I wanted to dedicate these beautiful words of love to you, all of you, to my father who has always been my guardian angel. To my mother who with her love and tenderness always helps me solve all my problems. To my brothers, who will always watch over my happiness. Also to my cousins ​​who have become my friends on this adventure of living. For my uncles and my grandparents, who are part of my family and I want them to know that I will always fight for them.

Thanks for everything family, I love you.

sample letter 2

Hello Dad,

I am writing this letter to you because I want to be direct, I want to tell you today that I love you. I am this honest and direct, because I know that lately we have not understood each other very well and I do not want us to have more misunderstandings. I love you because you are my father and because you have always taken care of me, protected me and you have given me everything you could give me.

For this reason, I don't want you to worry if lately you feel that we have distanced ourselves, it may have happened, because I don't know how to make you understand that I am no longer that little girl that you need to protect from all danger. It is true that I too have had very little patience for your incomprehension, but I still love you the same as always.

I love you forever, dad.

Si quieres conocer otros artículos parecidos a "Letters for FAMILY MEMBERS: Examples and models to write" puedes visitar la categoría de cartas FAMILY.

  1. sample letters for relatives
    1. sample letter 1
    2. sample letter 2

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