Good Health Letter: Examples to Copy
For various reasons we may need a letter of good health. To obtain it, we must go to our doctor, who is the one who has the power to issue it. One of the common cases in which we may need this letter is when applying for a driver's permit or license, and also at the time of its renewal. Some employers and even the immigration laws of different countries may require this type of letter. It may also be required to request custody of a minor or many people request it before getting married.
The respective procedure does not have any complexity, it only consists of informing your doctor of its purpose and possibly this will indicate certain tests that must be done in addition to a general check-up.
If the doctor has the necessary visa from a certified health center, he himself can write the letter. To get an idea of this document, here are some examples of letters of good health that can serve as a guide.
Example 1
Buenos Aires, September 19, 2021
Peace and Healing Clinic
Calle Las Delicias 1512- consolation
Telephone 01 02 346
To whom it may concern:
Through the following letter, I, Juvenal Urbino, surgeon, certify that the citizen Roberto Gómez Bolaños, 40 years of age, whose identity document number is 04321, and of Argentine nationality, is in excellent health. After having been subjected to different tests and exams I can certify the aforementioned.
All the mentioned examinations and tests were carried out under my supervision, the health center indicated at the beginning of the document. I certify this document through my signature and approval visa from the health center, so that Mr. Roberto Gómez Bolaños may use it for his convenience.
Dr. Juvenal Urbino
General medicine
Peace and healing clinic
examples 2
Immediate joy hospital
avenue the rocks - santa maria
Telephone 04 962
To whom it may concern,
Through this document, we certify that the citizen Little Red Riding Hood Pérez, 35 years old and domiciled at Avenida La Plata 1011, Buenos Aires, and with identity number 34896, has obtained a satisfactory result, after having been subjected to a general check-up complemented by some tests that I considered necessary.
The citizen Little Red Riding Hood Pérez, underwent the necessary medical examinations in my opinion, at the Hospital la Inmediata alegría, on February 20, 2021. After knowing the results, I allow myself to certify her optimal state of health. I am pleased to issue this document, so that the citizen can use them at her convenience.
Dr. Ventura Amadeo
Immediate joy hospital
Importance of the letter of good health
This is a document that people ask doctors for various purposes. It is required for different jobs, or before a license is issued to carry out various activities. The reason is that government agencies and even individual applicants must be certain that they do not present certain health problems, since these could make it impossible to carry out said activity or be imprudent in some cases.
On the other hand, this is one of the easiest procedures to carry out, since we can hire a private doctor, who will surely be able to issue the document himself, in addition to being aware of possible health problems that would be better for us. treat or solve as soon as possible.
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